How Long-term Use of Laxatives Cause Constipation
Many people use this powerful oxygen-based cleanser and are thrilled with the results. They are able to say goodbye to those harmful stimulant laxatives, along with that awful constipation!
If you suffer from constipation, take heart. There is hope. You do not have to live with being constipated. You do not have to keep a stockpile of laxatives and stool softeners in your home, either. Constipation and laxatives for relief just is not a good combination. Do yourself (and your body) a favor and start cleansing your body today. You will begin to notice the difference right away!
The Colon Cleansing & Constipation Resource Center is sponsored by Global Healing Center, Inc. The Resource Center’s Web site features information on constipation, articles on colon cleansing, and research on the latest treatments. For more information, please visit The Colon Cleansing & Constipation Resource Center.
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