How Do You Use “Oru/Orimasu” In Japanese?

Question by Gwen B: How Do You Use “Oru/Orimasu” In Japanese?
I just recently encountered this verb and am trying to figure out how to use it. I know that it’s usually formal. Is it like other honorific verbs, where you never use it in the dictionary form? Because I want to write “Gobusata shite orimasu” to a friend that I’m usually very casual with- would it be weird/wrong to say “Gobusata shite oru”?

And can you just give me general rules and examples for how to use this verb? Thanks!

Best answer:

Answer by KaShizui
You can use it wherever you can use “iru”, as long as it’s referring to your own actions. Oru is a humble verb, so you MUST NOT use it to describe other people’s actions. It’s typically used when you’re talking about your own actions with a superior, like your boss at work.

repooto wo kaite orimashita.
I was writing a report.

You rarely here it used in its dictionary form (oru) outside of classical Japanese (or being used by older generations), and it’s almost always in masu form. Since it’s used in formal speech.

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