How do I stop my ADDICTION to sugar?! please help…?

Question by Alyssa G: How do I stop my ADDICTION to sugar?! please help…?
I am absolutley addicted to sugar! in a typical day I eat probably 2 bowles of ice cream and sugary cereal, one peice of pie, and at least a dozen pieces of candy…I’m not fat so thats not the problem but my grandfather had diabetes and since it skips a generation I might have it…Do you have any tricks or distractions to help me stop eating sugar? I’ll take anything!!!!
Much Love,

Best answer:

Answer by runner h
diet coke, the fake sugar stuff might satisfy you and distract you

Answer by Bella S
why don’t u try cutting down on it a little bit everyday,
i have the same problem and i just try finding less sugary foods that taste just as good

Ram Dass Attachment and Addiction (No Music) – uploaded in HD at