How do I make this happen and who should I talk to? thanx?

Question by southern comfort: How do I make this happen and who should I talk to? thanx?
I have asked a few questions on here that I have had helpful answers too. So here is a big one. I live in Oakland County Michigan, the city of Pontaic. All my life I have wanted to reach out and help people and make a difference. I have done ton’s of reasearch and have found that there aren’t enough shelter’s, orphanages, or hotlines that actually help people. At least not in my city or county. They all want payment and send the people they are “helping” to someone else. I believe that when someone comes to you for help, then you do whatever you can to help that person. I know people think that all homeless people are bad but I have found that not to be the case always. My question is …. I want to make an organization or a house for people that have been abused, raped, run away, homeless, sucidal, have a child they don’t want, a place that parents who have had enough can bring their child and get help….ect. To really make a difference and help people. Non Profit

Best answer:

Answer by LorenzoAE
You are trying to do good things–and that is a good concept. So, do it.

Here’s a problem you aren’t addressing though: You want to help lots of people. Would you put those raped in the same facility you put those who are suicidal? Can you see that compounding both parties problems? Can you put an unwanted child in the same care facility as a runaway? Certainly not.
Each type of “issue” is a one-of-a-kind problem. There are many organizations in Pontiac, and in Oakland County specifically who do help certain segments. No one has the resources to help them all.
So, for instance, the Grace Center of Hope Shelter (formerlly known as the Pontiac Rescue Mission) takes in families and individuals who are “homeless.” So do two other organizations: HAVEN, a domestic violence (abused women only) shelter , and Lighthouse of Oakland County, a nonprofit agency that provides transitional housing and emergency services for low-income city residents.
Homeless people aren’t necessisarily “bad” they are just without a home. Good people often find themselves in bad situations.
The Governor’s Task Force on Batterer Intervention Standards produced the document on the link below, which deals with ways to encourage people to seek help. Read it, and you might find it enlightening. It turns out, many others think as you do, that something important needs to be done.
That said, the thing you need to do is actually get busy helping. Call any of these shelters I’ve listed, and ask them what you can do. Their usual need is money–which they usually get from the Federal Government in the form of grants–from the city, state and county governments in the forms of subsidies, grants, loans, and other assistance. What they usually ask for is money. Give it to them. Raise money for them.
These are good and noble goals. Just do it.
Find a house, fix it up, clean it, stock it, make it into a home, and then call HAVEN and invite them to see the facility you’ve created. They’ll fill it up for you.
Then, find another house. Fix it up. Stock it. And call HAVEN again. Again, they’ll fill it up with someone who desperately needs the help. Keep doing that until the day comes when you ask HAVEN how you can help, and they answer, “You can’t. There are no more people to help.” And then, let us all know that you’ve solved this problem for all society.

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