How do I get this (fake) suicidal girl to stop talking to me?

Question by Roseanna Rosannadanna: How do I get this (fake) suicidal girl to stop talking to me?
I know, that sounds TERRIBLE, but the long story short is, she isn’t suicidal. She did this to me before a few years ago and when I told her mother she flipped out on me and said I was lying and she hated me and she only wrote a goodbye note as a way of venting.

now she’s texting me and saying her mom hits her (mind you, she’s 22), god hates her, she wants to kill herself, she was molested.

She’s extremely bright, she’s on full scholarship at a college and is a senior. She just has a problem with lying.

She told me once she was raped in a cornfield (she supposedly came over to my house right after it happened) and then admitted later that was a lie.

She also told me her babysitter used to hit her legs in. Admitted that was a lie.

She also told me her dad’s friend’s (who used to molest her) son tried raping her. Admitted that was a lie.

So, how do I get her to stop talking to me, because if I quit talking to her and she ends up killing herself for real, then I’m going to feel like a terrible, horrible person.

AND I sent her links for free counseling and suicide hotlines, thought that would help, but she says “her mom will kill her if she found out she went there for help.”

sorry this is lengthy….

Best answer:

Answer by Shemeshe
Try avoiding her, get a new phone.

Tell her you are moving…

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!