How do i get over Rhinitis Medicamentosa(nasal spray addiction)?

Question by : How do i get over Rhinitis Medicamentosa(nasal spray addiction)?
i have been using a nasal spray of phenylephrine hydrochloride 1% for some time now. it’s gotten so bad that the spray doesn’t even have any effect anymore. i went to the doctors to seek help and he prescribed me loratadine 10mg tablets and nasonex. However these medications do not seem to be working and i am desperate to find relief for the sinus congestion. Is there anything i can do or any over the counter medication that i can take but will not worsen the phenylrphrine addiction?

Best answer:

Answer by Pooky
Not “addiction” per se. You were experiencing rebound congestion from using it more than a few days.

How long ago did your doctor start you on Claritin and Nasonex? It takes a bit of time for the spray to work.

Give yourself a couple of weeks. If it doesn’t work, he will want to give you something stronger, i.e. Zyrtec (which is over-the-counter now), or put you on Allegra (also over-the-counter).

Benadryl is far too strong. Your sinus will clog and you’ll fall asleep during the day.

My Hoarding/Shopping Addiction – I’M A HOARDER!!! I clearly have psychological problems. help! tweet me or find me on instagram @trishapaytas.