How do I get over my parents favoring other siblings?

Question by Charlotte: How do I get over my parents favoring other siblings?
I was raised by my mother and she was a horrible drug addict while I was growing up and obviously all of her children have ‘issues.’ anyway when I was 5 it got to the point where she and my older brothers were complete meth heads, we had no food, and she completely neglected any medical treatment, and feels like she did a “great” job because I’m in graduate school and i’ve never used drugs. She’s clean now and has been doing VERY well financially.

I think its easier to really to make a comparative list:

Me Brothers
dentist no yes
braces no yes
doctors no yes
car no yes (new mustang and 4×4 truck)
rent no yes (last 12 years @2000+/month for each brother)
tuition no yes (120k spent on drop outs, thats why she won’t help me)
drug $ no yes (100k + wasted on them trying to “sell” illegal drugs)

It seems like she feels like she owes my 2 older brothers something and makes up for it at every chance, and completely disregards the amount of neglect that I endured.

I guess it REALLLLY hurts my feelings and makes me feel like she doesn’t take me seriously, especially when I need help. I was 25 yesterday, and I started thinking about how much money I’ve been spending on fixing my 10+ root canals and why I have absolutely nothing and when I go to my brothers houses they essentially have everything.

She called me the other day to tell me that she found out they have been up to the old ways and using the money she gives them for drugs and other stupid stuff, saying “gosh, I feel so stupid for giving them all this money when they’ve just turned around and bought drugs with it”

I work really hard, for nothing because i’m still saving and paying for cavaties that turned into root canals (or just broke) and going to school and working full time.

I’ve asked for help and I get a look like i’m a f-ing retard that needs nothing because I’m viewed as being “perfect” in the eyes of a drunk and former drug addict of 35 years.

I’m at the point where I just want to punch her and tell her to f off.

How do I make how I feel PERFECTLY CLEAR, or just get over it?
I have explained and she gives me the same look the mom gives her children in “darjeeling limited”….Basically, I don’t care why are you coming to me?

Best answer:

Answer by Joe
why dont you show her this question,
i think it would show how you feel perfectly

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