How do I deal with my oldest brother and his drug addiction?
Question by A little Southern Comfort: How do I deal with my oldest brother and his drug addiction?
When I was 8 my parents divorced and I never really got to see my two older brothers as often as I would have liked. For the past ten years my oldest brother Trent, 32, has lived on the streets of Denver and our family has gone years in a row not knowing where he was until he was in the hospital being treated for HIV and HEP. C and major liver problems about two years ago. He needed a liver transplant because of all the drugs he does. He said he would change of course and get off of heroin and has been to rehab after rehab and nothing has changed, except he wanted to be on the streets more than ever.
He is now in prison after several arrests for possession and running away from sentenced rehabs. He writes me letters saying he wants to be in my life and when he gets out of prison he is going to take care of me and we will play basketball together everyday and go fishing. (This is what he did as children) I realized he still sees me as twelve years old and he has forgotten I am married. I don’t know how to handle this because I have heard this a million times! Should I respond to him? I know he will never change and I know if he is in my life he will do it again and just disappear for years until the morgue calls and asks someone to identify his body. I love him and miss him, but I don’t know how to handle this. Please any advice!!
Best answer:
Answer by Jimmy J
Sad to say, but he really sounds like he is on his way out. Get your good byes out of the way and live every day as if it’s your (his) last.
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