How can you test positive for Meth if you don’t use any drugs nor over the counter meds?
Question by Trish: How can you test positive for Meth if you don’t use any drugs nor over the counter meds?
Went to take a drug test for employment and it came out positive for meth. She wouldn’t retest; it was a light line but wouldn’t answer any questions of what may have produced that. Please please no sarcastic answers. We are no drug users.
I am seeing red bull has ephedra in it and that can lead to possible false positives???
Best answer:
Answer by UXB
Do you have a boyfriend who is a secret “meth-head?” (Look for the rotten teeth and bleeding gums!)
Maybe you have a “false” positive because of other things you have been taking.
More suggestions under Google check.
Answer by GaryR
You have likely ingested something along the line. Cold tablets, perhaps, or decongestants such as Sudafed? Have you been around someone else who was doing meth, where some of their smoke could have drifted past you? It is also possible that their testing method was simply too sensitive and was showing everything as a “light line.” They should have been willing to “calibrate” their testing apparatus against a controlled known drug-free liquid, such as distilled water. If you truly have not used any amphetamines or OTC meds, then it has to be a false positive. If it were me, I would insist that they test against distilled water or a control reagent to prove their testing method as accurate. But, it might be easier simply to apply elsewhere for a job.
Edit: Red Bull will do it. Ephedra is a form of amphetamine, and will cause a positive on your drug screen.
ABC 23 News Update 3 7/26/13
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