How can any resonable person state that Republicans are evil?

Question by wiliemom: How can any resonable person state that Republicans are evil?
Has evil been down graded? Please give an example of why my party is “evil” . Please keep Stalin , Hitler,Mao and Saddam in mind when you make the argument that we are “evil”. Then once you have convinced yourself we are, think of what your next action as a reasonable person would be when you are faced with “evil” in your very own country. I have never used “evil” to describe a liberal or a Dem because if they were truly “evil” why would any reasonable person allow them to exist. Is this the future of my party? Extinction for different views then yours. What terrible things happen when there are no opposing views allowed.

Best answer:

Answer by Joshua P
While I don’t use that term in reference to Republicans, there are degrees of evil — you don’t have to be Hitler to be bad.

Answer by Bill_Kaulitz_Girlfriend

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