Hooked on Heroin at 16, Clean by 19: A Former User Shares Her Story

Hooked on Heroin at 16, Clean by 19: A Former User Shares Her Story
She said she would use meth when she needed to get things done, like schoolwork, and heroin when she wanted to celebrate, like when she found out she would be graduating high school. Like many users, she began by smoking heroin. Later, even though … Read more on Wall Street Journal

The Transhumanist Reader – The Story Behind The Book
Would it be ethical to pay heroin and meth addicts $ 300 to have a vasectomy or tubal ligation? Yes, it would be good for them, the kids they don't have, and society. Only if it is a nonprofit program and not a government-backed one. It would only be … Read more on Institute for Ethics and Emerging Technologies

Renee Noble leaving Melbourne Magistrates' Court. Picture: Martin Reddy
Lawyer Jacob Slucki told the court Noble had turned to trafficking to support a methamphetamine addiction that had spiralled after she began an abusive relationship in 2010. Mr Slucki said the Immigration Department had sacked Noble after finding 0.29 … Read more on Herald Sun

Washington Police Chase Meth Addict In Stolen Dodge Ram Truck (KIRO) – https://www.youtube.com/user/AudioVisualBeauty https://www.youtube.com/user/ExoticPromotionsCali https://www.youtube.com/user/SNNOwner Washington Police Chas…