Hi I’m Redstapler52 and this is my first time in the alternative medicine forum.?

Question by redstapler52: Hi I’m Redstapler52 and this is my first time in the alternative medicine forum.?
My question is, why are there so many questions about drugs, illegal and prescribed? This is alternative medicine not synthesized drugs with major side effects. I, of course, am not referring to questions about replacing or substitutes for prescribed drugs. Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by xXDiabeticCatXx 😛
Because people find those stuff really funny. Drugs are fun but illegal so its a bit kinky to talk about them 😛

Answer by mywholisticcoach
Welcome to the forum! I find those questions somewhat annoying but just part of this forum (and this industry sometimes). Since no one feels comfortable creating a forum called “illegal drugs and prescription abuse”, this forum becomes the dumping ground for those questions. I have learned to scan the questions and pretty quickly determine if there is anything worthwhile there. If you can sift through it, there is a lot to learn and to be taught here. Enjoy!

My story on drug abuse. hopefully a message for teens. – Just my story on my experiences with drugs first hand and the people around me who were on them.