Heroin Use on the Rise in Nevada
Heroin Use on the Rise in Nevada
Now at 24, she has been in and out of jail and rehab, battling an addiction that all started because of a dealer's lie. "I was that person who said I'm never going to do heroine, I'm never going to do hard drugs," she said. "Someone had told me it was … Read more on KOLO
Overdosing on heroin: This drug can bring them back
"Interestingly, we have received several calls for auto accidents," an Ohio emergency medical technician, or EMT, noted in a state addiction treatment survey published in November. "Apparently, some users are stopping in the parking lot, putting … Read more on Los Angeles Times
Addiction Update: State of Addiction Address — Part One
Opium and brandy were dubbed the "essentials of treatment" for pain during the Civil War. In 1890 doctors prescribed opiates for a wide range of medical problems including menstrual cramps and anxiety. In 1898 a new "non-addictive" form of morphine was … Read more on Mercury-Register