Heroin returns with vengeance to East Iowa

Heroin returns with vengeance to East Iowa
Filed under: heroin symptoms

Dave Barloon, a nurse practitioner with the University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics Chemical Dependency unit in Iowa City, said heroin addiction is difficult to treat because there's no real treatment for the physical symptoms and there's a lack of …


Heroin bust spans three counties
Filed under: heroin symptoms

Williams said the possibility of further arrests is likely and that the arrests have closed off a major supply of heroin in Ashe and surrounding counties. “We're watching the hospitals now,” said Williams. “Withdrawal symptoms in heroin addicts start …


Heroin Video PSA

Public domain public service announcement video from the Partnership for a Drug Free America. Heroin is processed from morphine, a naturally occurring substance extracted from the seedpod of the Asian poppy plant. Heroin usually appears as a white or brown powder. Street names for heroin include “smack,” “H,” “skag,” and “junk.” Other names may refer to types of heroin produced in a specific geographical area, such as “Mexican black tar.” Heroin can be used in a variety of ways, depending on user preference and the purity of the drug. Heroin can be injected into a vein (“mainlining”), injected into a muscle, smoked in a water pipe or standard pipe, mixed in a marijuana joint or regular cigarette, inhaled as smoke through a straw, known as “chasing the dragon,” snorted as powder via the nose. What are its short-term effects? The short-term effects of heroin abuse appear soon after a single dose and disappear in a few hours.After an injection of heroin, the user reports feeling a surge of euphoria (“rush”) accompanied by a warm flushing of the skin, a dry mouth, and heavy extremities. Following this initial euphoria, the user goes “on the nod,” an alternately wakeful and drowsy state. Mental functioning becomes clouded due to the depression of the central nervous system. Other effects included slowed and slurred speech, slow gait, constricted pupils, droopy eyelids, impaired night vision, vomiting, constipation. What are its long-term effects? Long-term effects of heroin


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