Heroin addiction drug proposed for problem gamblers

Heroin addiction drug proposed for problem gamblers
Filed under: heroin treatment

TONY EASTLEY: New research says there are promising signs that problem gamblers could be helped by the drug Naltrexone which is used to treat heroin addicts overseas. Guidelines produced by Monash University say gambling addiction should be treated as …


Heroin Overdose-Halting Drug Saves 600 Lives in San Francisco
Filed under: heroin treatment

… heroin use, Wheeler counters, "It makes zero sense. Being given naloxone is a very unpleasant experience; it puts people into instant withdrawal. If someone has a Narcan kit, it's not a reason not to go to treatment if they're ready for treatment. …


Has abuse taken over your life in San Diego?

www.DrugRehabTV.com Alcoholism is a powerful, painful disease. If you are struggling with abuse in San Diego, watch this video. When substance abuse occurs in conjunction with a mental disorder, treatment simply for addiction is often ineffective. Our program specializes in treating these co-occurring disorders. No program has been proven more compionate, flexible or effective.


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