Here's What 3 Senators Told PolicyMic About the War on Drugs and Millennials

Here's What 3 Senators Told PolicyMic About the War on Drugs and Millennials
For example, under federal law, the possession of 28 grams of crack cocaine yields an automatic five-year mandatory minimum sentence for a first offense. Mandatory minimum sentencing largely emerged in the 1950s to combat drug offenses. However … Read more on PolicyMic

Will Black Nationalism Reemerge?
Violent crime, the crack cocaine epidemic, gangs, and the spread of jobless neighborhoods have now devastated several generations of the black working class; and though the cycle has diminished in intensity, it remains a central truth. In the 1990s … Read more on Truth-Out

Room 220: Is 'New Jim Crow' the Old White Supremacy?
at least its members are rethinking sentencing policy and the war on drugs. But will this rethinking go far and be extensive enough? The Obama Administration did not equalize the crack-to-cocaine possession sentencing disparities, nor did it push for … Read more on NOLA Defender

Gov. Andrew Cuomo: Was Tony Papa’s 15 to Life Sentence Too Harsh? – Tony Papa manager of media relations for the Drug Policy Alliance and author of 15 to Life available now in eBOOK formats KINDLE…