help me stop smoking?
Question by never satisfied: help me stop smoking?
i triied everything the patches, gum, pill dont know what else there is can anyone help me
Best answer:
Answer by John Mc
First…please read and consider this important information:
The 1964 and subsequent 1988 U.S. Surgeon General’s reports conclusively, irrefutably and undeniably stated that ‘heroin and nicotine were of equal addictive strength’. In short…anyone indulging in either heroin or nicotine (tobacco) is an addict. Top that off with the fact the report also states conclusively, irrefutably, and undeniably that smoking tobacco causes cancer.
If you don’t believe me…access the reports…it’s easy enough to do.
The government(s) and businesses want you (and everyone) to look at the guy with a crack pipe, or the person with a needle in his arm, or the straw up his/her nose, and think to yourself, “What a pathetic, lowlife addict!”
BUT…they don’t want YOU to recognize the fact that if you smoke tobacco, or use tobacco products, YOU TOO are an addict. Why? Because making you realize you’re an addict takes money away from the government(s) and businesses. It’s a government sanctioned addiction which has parasitically been used to bring in revenue for government(s) for centuries.
So society-at-large keeps employing and perpetuating the euphemisms “smoker” and “smoking” to make you feel comfortable with this government sanctioned addiction. They want people to view the cocaine user as “lowlife” and reprobate. Certainly…there is nothing noble or admirable about the cocaine, crack, or heroin addict…but neither is theer anything admirable or noble about the nicotine addicts either.
You probably will find strength in numbers. Join NA (Narcotics Anonymous). They understand that “smokers” are actually nicotine addicts. They can and will help you.
SO….remember…that YOU are a recovering addict. You WILL be a recovering addict the rest of your life. You very well may need a support group to help you. In the meantime, stay away from other nicotine addicts. You’ve certainly heard the tales of someone who “just had ONE puff” and was back smoking cigarettes again. That’s because what I wrote earlier is TRUE. It’s an addiction.
Good Luck!
Answer by versantly
ask your doc for Chantix.
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