Health care – refund all premiums and get the insurance industry out of health care all together .?
Question by Trouble Maker: Health care – refund all premiums and get the insurance industry out of health care all together .?
I have heard doctors say this for years . We can have veterans hospitals and charity hospitals but the middle class are burdened with the poor and the rich .
The rich pay only the same rates as the middle class does .
They often seek addiction treatment for their kids and wifes because they are off earning money all the time .
The poor can’t afford it and the middle well they break a kids arm once and he learns to stay off drugs and avoid that 15,000 dollar 30 day program . 1200 dollar cast verses 15,000 . I say we need to get rid of insurance all together .
Cancel work mens comp and make employers pay for injuries at work .
If each person only had to pay what they owed instead of what everyone owes divided by everyone we would be better off .
Best answer:
Answer by crosseyed
Good idea, but that’s who stands to profit under Hillary’s plan.
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