Hawaii Meth Project Hosts “Break the Ice” Teen Art Display at the Hawaii State

Hawaii Meth Project Hosts “Break the Ice” Teen Art Display at the Hawaii State
To compete in the contest, teens throughout the state created and entered paintings, drawings, and photographs, expressing their views on meth use. Hawaii teens were challenged to create original pieces of art that expressed the highly addictive nature … Read more on Urban Oahu

Alaska voters could legalize marijuana this summer
METH, which we ALL know will bring about RUIN to anyone who delves in it, is in the Schedule II class…lower, and less important. 1) Marijuana has been PROVEN, time and time again, to treat and alleviate over 500+ diseases, including curing cancer. So … Read more on KBOI-TV

Our View: Anti-meth bill deserves support of lawmakers
Meth is highly addictive and toxic to those who use it, even leading to death. The manufacture of meth leaves toxic residues, damages the environment where it is made, and endangers people and children who are present when meth is being made. Read more on Jackson Sun