has the single discrimination to getting health care–tobacco use–yet been eliminated from the new plan?

Question by Louiegirl_Chicago: has the single discrimination to getting health care–tobacco use–yet been eliminated from the new plan?
i find it rather strange that being that the government relies so strongly on taxes generated by tobacco use, that it would still use tobacco use as the one and only discriminating factor against getting equal health care under the newly proposed health care reform bill.

i heard that tobacco use is entirely voluntary and because the attorney general has issued edicts against using it that people that use tobacco are considered to be spoiling their chance at living a healthy life; therefore, that they, and they only, will be the one and only set of americans that would not be considered for necessary health care procedures equally with those that do not use tobacco products.

has this discrimination against tobacco users yet been removed from the proposed government health care reform?

if tobacco users are *addicted* to using tobacco and if heroin users are *addicted* to heroin and if women can get government paid abortions at any time, even 8 abortions in 3 years, which has GOT to be a danger to a woman’s health, then why wouldn’t all 3 of these addicted types of patients all be denied (for instance, a hip replacement) medically necessary procedures equally?

what about obese americans that cannot control the consumption of given sorts of food (for example, junk food laden with sugar, deep fried food adding to fat intake)–will they be discriminated against when they seek medical treatment?

how about people that obtain multiple prescriptions for pain killers to satisfy their addiction to them? will special blood tests be used to determine that such a person should not get, for instance, a knee replacement when needed at the same time that a person not addicted to paid medication will get it?

alcoholics are addicted to alcohol consumption and they often, when drunk, end up in accidents whereby they kill the occupants of the other car that they hit, but because their bodies are anesthetized, they often walk away with nothing to show for being in the accident except some bruises. isn’t it also true that if tobacco users *choose* to use tobacco products that those that *choose* to drink to excess are also harming their bodies, namely, their liver?

without a surefire way for a tobacco user to get un-addicted to the stuff, why would they be discriminated against in obtaining health care just like you and i?

in truth, why would any american under the newly proposed plan be denied health care at all?

has this provision yet been removed from the proposed health care revision? i.e., discrimination against anybody? when and how was it removed and where is there proof that it was removed?

Best answer:

Answer by Hater Police
“single discrimination to getting health care–tobacco use”…this is completely false.

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