Has anyone been or is in a relationship with someone thats a crystal meth addict?

Question by Rainbow Bright: Has anyone been or is in a relationship with someone thats a crystal meth addict?
I was in relationship with one. The relationship lasted for 2years off and on. He treated me really bad, called me all the names in the book, kicked my door in took my rent money and got me evicted, spread rumors about me, told lies, was jealous of me, tried to get women to fight me, cheated a lot, asked me for money all the time, stole from me, never showed he loved me or cared, disrespected me in front of his family and friends. Just a year ago he dumped me new year 2010. I hear she pays his cell bill every month, moved him in less than a month, bought his son cloths, don’t pay rent or bills and has access to everything. They told me she use to do crystal meth and her last boyfriend use crystal too! I spoken with the girl and she says he treats her good and she’s the best he ever had! She’s really disrepectful forward me. I’m in college, prefect attentance, honor roll and go to church. Is it the drug or just him? He called me in april one night at 1:51am ask how I was doing and let me know I had mail. Why?

Best answer:

Answer by AC
There is no sanity or reason in regards to people who use meth. Period. Don’t waste your time in trying to figure them out. There’s a reason why people look the way they do when they use meth, it eats you from the inside out, starting with your brain.
Be glad you’re rid of him. He sounds like a loser.

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