GF Broke up with me for being selfish, but I feel like I overlooked a LOT to be with her, so am I really…?
Question by kirkland321: GF Broke up with me for being selfish, but I feel like I overlooked a LOT to be with her, so am I really…?
all THAT selfish? When she found me and we started talking the first month, she tells me she lives in a group home for recovering addicts (twice in rehab programs), is a recovering alcoholic, no job, just state disability for her addiction, on meds for bipolar, and had herpes! (misdiagnosed). I told her if she relapsed (clean and sober for 19 months at that point), we would get through it together. When she said she wanted to use meth again in December, I talked with her until she lost the urge. I remembered our monthly anniversary and her BDay. Was I REALLY that selfish? I made some stupid mistakes, but I never yelled or cursed, we could always talk it out. Anybody? Thanks!
Elly G, I’m not quite sure myself, but I did call her once when I was drinking and this upset her, a LOT. Then like a dumbass, I did it again a few months later. When I went to visit her, I left without saying goodbye, because I was mad and a little hurt, but I regret that now. Oh well…
Best answer:
Answer by Elly G
Well you’re not really explaining WHY she thinks you’re selfish.
It could possibly seem that way to her, but since you dont explain your ‘stupid mistakes’ I can’t help you.
It seems that you were there for her, through the bad. That you helped her out when she was about to use drugs again. So, in that perspective, I give you your props because not many people do that for a ‘girlfriend/boyfriend’, many people just leave! You seem like you cared for her, so I cant understand why she thought you were selfish.
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