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Companies using Obamacare rules to punish smokers and overweight workers
Companies using Obamacare rules to punish smokers and overweight workers. Employers tried the carrot, then a small stick. Now they are turning to bigger cudgels. For years they encouraged workers to improve their health and productivity with free … Read more on In-Forum

Anthony Campo could be fined for using quit-smoking e-cigarette on Gosford
An electronic quit-smoking "cigarette" used on Gosford railway station could end in an $ 1100 fine for a Wyoming man. Retired pensioner Anthony Campo, 67, appeared in Gosford Local Court last week over a charge of smoking “in or on a public passenger … Read more on The Daily Telegraph

Pot vaporizer boom leads to secret stoners
After the party, he promptly went online to buy one of the $ 250 devices, and started using it regularly, even going on a bit of a pot bender with it, after 40 years of smoking from traditional joints and pipes. “It was like Christmas morning for a few … Read more on New York Post