Generative Monologue a Main Street Song by Jason Cady

I composed Generative Monologue for spoken voice, synthesizer, and field recordings. 1. The Voice: My father, Dennis Cady, is a retired autoworker. He was born and raised in Flint, Michigan. He now lives on a street that turns into Main Street. My father was born during World War II and his father died fighting in the Normandy invasion. His mother worked evenings and he was left alone to raise himself. Even before reaching adolescence he had already taken up smoking, drinking, shoplifting and hitchhiking. His older sister was expelled from all the high schools in the area and eventually dropped out. My father, however, graduated from high school and attended Mott Community College while working at a gas station. His mother pressured him to withdraw from college so that he could work full time at one of the General Motors factories. So he applied for a job at Buick and was hired to work at a complex of factories called Buick City. My father met my mother at Buick City where they worked along side each other on the assembly line. After they married she encouraged him to quit drinking, which he did. Years later he used subliminal tapes to quit smoking. For the last ten years before my father retired he worked eighty hours a week. He won accolades and an award from Buick for the hard work and the long duration and consistency of his overtime. After retiring he was diagnosed with cancer. He believes that it may have been caused by some of the chemicals that he was exposed to