Gang Stalking and Community Notifications
or having a warning marker placed on their file. Targets are often being baited by complete strangers once they find themselves on these notification lists.
In future many more innocent people might just find themselves with such warning markers added to their files, as the DSM make the definition for mental illness that much wider and broader in scope.
DSM Updates
[quote]Proposed updates to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) are prompting many to question whether or not the psychiatric profession itself has gone crazy. The latest additions to the alleged “mentally ill” could include hoarders, people who get angry every now and again, lazy people, and even those who get outraged over things like sex and violence on television. 7
“For this latest revision they’ve set up a special task force to decide if behaviors like bitterness, extreme shopping or overuse of the internet should be included,” explained Professor Christopher Lane[/quote] 7
Many Internet users who spend time on games such as World of Warcraft might meet this definition. People who spend too much time on chat forums. Lazy individuals, people who get angry, or who get upset about too much violence on television, people who like to shop too much, or hoard things, might all make the list in future. The criteria for these definitions are not only unscientific, they could easily incorporate most any individual in today’s modern society. If these definitions are successfully updated, there could be many more targets making the list in future.
Once a target is flagged, or a warning marker is placed on their files, depending on what the threat assessment team determines a community notification is sent out to the individuals around the target. Anyone that might come in contact with the target is contacted. Others who are part of these notification programs are also contacted when the target is nearby.
If a target makes a call, or their name is pulled up on a system, the targets warning marker will follow them. The community then naturally goes into hypervigilance mode, and they do anything they can to remove that individual from within the community. Most individuals treat these notifications the same way they would treat notifications about any other threat, be it paedophiles, rapists, the same hysteria is often present.
Community Notification
[quote]Some people might argue that they would feel more secure if they were aware of the identities of dangerous offenders in their neighbourhoods, but widespread community notification actually serves to heighten fear of victimization. In a large metropolitan area, hundreds of thousands of people are notified of a dangerous offender’s release, while only hundreds will come into contact with him in the community. This blanket notification propagates the belief that there are more “predators” in the community than ever before, and fearful attitudes among members of the public are reinforced. A vicious cycle results: widespread notification leads to an increase in the community’s fear of crime which, in turn, leads to more calls for notification. We would also argue that the use of inflammatory language such as “predator” by politicians and officials also works to heighten fear and increase calls for more punitive action.[/quote] 8
Since the innocent target has no idea of what is happening behind their back, this system is being used in inappropriate ways. Based on the research that has been conducted,it seems this notification systems is being used to silence whistle-blowers, women seem to be targeted above average, and minorities. As Jane Clift points out, this system goes beyond race, gender. There are lot’s of men and non minority individuals who have also found themselves targeted by this system. This program is not only systemic, but these notifications are being used indiscriminately, with very little oversight, and they are being used beyond borders.
Since most civil workers are aware of this notification system, it means that targets reporting incidents of being followed around by various strangers should not have been unfamiliar to the police, and other agencies that targets reported their harassment to. In most cities this notification is well known, and used by many workers and employers. Yet Targeted Individuals have had to have mental health evaluations for making complaints about this structure, and the harassment that comes with it.
[quote]Not only will this program used the civil servant already mentioned, but it will expand who is used in the program. They will have secret sources of communication available to them. The members of these programs will connect with the fusion centres. None disclosure agreement or a confidential disclosure agreements will be signed by many in these programs to ensure that the