For Some Serial Killers, Is Killing An Addiction?

Question by batflyz2: For Some Serial Killers, Is Killing An Addiction?
For some people is killing others like a physical addiction, like how some people are alcoholics, compulsive gamblers.. etc. Do they know what they do is wrong yet they can’t help themselves?

Best answer:

Answer by An EcStAcy pRiNcEsS’s ReBeLLiOn
No, Serial killers are specifically motivated by a variety of psychological urges, primarily power and sexual compulsion. They often have feelings of inadequacy and worthlessness, sometimes owing to humiliation, bullying, and abuse in childhood and the pressures of poverty and low socioeconomic status in adulthood. In many cases, serial killers commit crimes to compensate for these factors and to provide a sense of potency and often revenge by giving them a feeling of power, both at the time of the actual killing and afterwards.

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