Florida editorial roundup

Florida editorial roundup
Child-abuse investigators should be required to file a court petition to order a parent into drug treatment or anger management. Court orders get even a meth head's attention. . Training, deep and comprehensive. One egregiously consistent thread that … Read more on The State

Crystal meth battle sees successes
Statistics from 2005 bear out his observation: in that year, 1,008 provincial treatment clients under the age of 18 reported meth use. That number isn't much lower than the 1,116 clients who reported using meth in the much larger 12 to 24 age group in … Read more on Calgary Herald

Dying Scientology Addict Finds Narconon Crystal Meth Treatment – Scientology “… is an organization with medical, social and ethical practices that are dangerous and harmful. It claims to act freely so as to draw members …