Federal Reserve calls for End to Social Security and Medicare?

Question by Lynne L: Federal Reserve calls for End to Social Security and Medicare?
Mr Fisher said the “root problem” of the current financial crisis was the trouble in the housing market. Because of that, Fed efforts to buy mortgage securities to revive that very troubled financial sector have been “appropriate”.

Mr Fisher repeated that his “biggest concern” was unfunded liabilities related to Government benefit plans, like Medicaid and social security. He added that any fiscal stimulus plan needed to balance out a needed short-term shot in the arm, and the longer run imbalances that now existed between what the Government was taking in and what it would have to spend.

Mr Fisher also said that in a time of heavy Government borrowing it was fortunate that the Treasury was enjoying low borrowing rates. Warning!
The elite private bankers may consider raising rates unless we the people don’t dance or jump to their demands.

We need to do away with the Federal Reserve Private “baking” system that started the paper Monopoly money that is the “crack cocaine” just print federal reserve notes and charge the taxpayers interest

Best answer:

Answer by Maria
You surprised!


Zionist run america like they did Germany to the ground before making the state of Israael

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