Exposed Bipolar/PTSD Phenomena

Exposed: BiPolar & PTSD Phenomena This video is dedicated to ALL who suffer from BiPolar 1, BiPolar 2, PTSD & any Mental Illness. Dedication is also given to any supporter of a loved one who suffers. The intent is to inform and begin your journey of educating yourself if desired to better understand. The World Health Organization (WHO) study “Global Burden of Disease for 2004”, neuropsychiatric conditions, together with organ disorders, accounted for 31% of the causes of disability among workers. Depression, which is a neuropsychiatric condition, ranked highest among the causes of disability for workers. Other mental conditions like alcohol use disorder, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, Alzheimer’s disease, dementia, and drug use disorder also ranked high in the list. *Most African Americans with bipolar disorder are going undiagnosed and untreated based upon cultural beliefs which vary from others. Several factors have contributed to African Americans not receiving help for bipolar disorder and other mental illnesses. Some of the reasons are: •A mistrust of health professionals, based in part on historically higher-than-average institutionalization of African Americans with mental illness; and on previous mistreatments, like such tragic events as the Tuskegee syphilis study. •Cultural barriers between many doctors and their patients. •Reliance on family and religious community, rather than mental health professionals, during times of emotional distress. •A tendency to
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