Eric Holder claims the judicial system is racist because so many blacks in prison but not sexist also?
Question by Arthur Eyetis: Eric Holder claims the judicial system is racist because so many blacks in prison but not sexist also?
Over 90% of those in prison are males, where is the outrage there? I say the prison population should be 52% female at to accurately represent the population of the USA. We need equality on this, forget crimes committed, is this not what Martin Luther King Jr. wanted? And please not the usual babel “Drug crimes are stiffer for crack cocaine then for meth”, I am talking about violent crimes like rape and murder, I just wonder if he has been to Detroit, Chicago, Oakland, E. St. Louis, New Orleans, ETC. lately. Any ideas on this? And please not “My idea is you are an idiot”?.
I said violent crime, not a Oz. of pot.
Best answer:
Answer by tiger
I agree that men are given stiffer sentences for whatever reason. I work in a drug rehab and I get female patients all the time who come in worried about what will happen to them when they go to court…for things they have done over and over and I would assume they will get a pretty stiff sentence but all they get is drug court. The men usually DO go to jail. I had never given it that much thought before now though. It could be an unconscious thing where the judges sympathize more with women who have children at home, I don’t know. But honestly, I think most of the people who go to prison for drug crimes are the ones who don’t have money for good lawyers.
Answer by Goldfly252000
For the record it’s the sentence is harder on crack then Cocaine. Comparing crack to meth doesn’t make much sense, but crack and coke are the same original drug(different forms). Now I agree that blacks are convicted of more crimes, whether it be because they have less money(public defender vs private lawyer) or that they are committing more crimes, it is the reality that there are more in jail because more are considered to be breaking the law. If Holder really believes it is about racism though he should be trying to fix the system instead of talking out his butt. People have known for YEARS blacks make up a larger part of the prison system, it’s not like he just made some big discovery. Just like you have some point that women have been more likely to get off then locked up(whether never charged, or gotten a lesser sentence).
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