English homework?

Question by ok go: English homework?
KingsPark Compehensive School wishes to sell a disused building on the edge of its site. The local authority has offered £10,000 for the building which it intends to convert into a Drug Rehabilitation Centre with a small medical team, counsellors, social workers and a needle exchange programme.

I, as the Local Resident, is against this proposal,
So How can i object my Council Tax money being spent in this way???
Or, How can i argue with not to sell the building, or make a better use…like…..

Thank you

Best answer:

Answer by kata226
You could argue that by allowing them to build a Rehabilitation Centre on a School’s premises they are putting their enrolled student population at risk to drug exposure.

You could also argue that it could feed as a selling point since adicts alike will be going there, some clean but many who are not

You could suggest they use the tax monies to better the school. Use the old building for something that would benefit the kids, an auditorium, a gymnasium, science lab or even a center for extra curricular activities.

You could also suggest they create a community center that could host a multitude of activities. Maybe even a NA or AA space for meetings but also a safe place for kids to grow and learn outside of school. This way the whole community benefits.

Good luck!

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