Email Marketing : A Crucial Aid For Charitable Organizations
Email Marketing : A Crucial Aid For Charitable Organizations
Email marketing helps maintain close contact with your donors and. As the owner or operator of a charitable organization, you “depend on the kindness of strangers.” Very quickly, those ‘strangers’ become the backbone of your organization’s survival and success. With email marketing, sending these important contacts information on what their donations have produced, thanking them, and inviting them to fundraising events can be done in a way that is easy, saves you hundreds of dollars in mailing and printing costs, and it can save you valuable time.
Keeping your donors updated on the progress of your organization and sending letters of thanks is important for showing your appreciation for having donated to your organization. But, this can also be a costly expense. Imagine if all your cost for mailing and printing were exponentially diminished. This extra cash flow can produce much more for you organization: better facilities for the elderly or sick, more food for those that are hungry, more aid for animals in need of rescue. More money means more solutions, and nobody knows this better than not-for-profit organizations.
Email marketing is designed to be able to track “opens,” “clicks” and “forwards”. This provides you with an easy-to-use statistical record for future fundraising events. The percentages that email marketing shows you a lot more about your clients and donors: Do they open their emails in the morning at work, or at night at home? Does your cause mean so much to them they are forwarding the message to friends and family? This can help your charitable organization develop more effective campaigns to obtain funding for future campaigns. These statistics also tell you which campaigns are successful and which need to be restructured. This is all done at a fraction of the cost, and a fraction of the time, of mailing traditional invitations, RSVPs and thank you letters.
Don’t forget that email marketing solutions have a built-in “forward-to-friends” option that will expand your current customer base. Most email marketing solutions have tracking capabilities that allow you to see which of your customers are viewing your emails, who is clicking to see your promotions, and which readers are forwarding your emails to friends and family. This creates material and gives you a renewed focus for future marketing campaigns.
For a charitable organization that specializes in providing summer program, finding funding is key. To start off, the number of people participating in the program will affect the amount of money given to your organization. This means that filling up spots quickly will help determine how much a donor or government agency is willing to spend on the program. An email marketing campaign goes out immediately, so responses from participating members come in a lot quicker, allowing for more participants to be involved. More participants equals more funding toward the beneficial focus of your organization.
Email marketing is of the utmost importance in keeping your charitable organization in the business of “good-will.” Email marketing helps you stay connected to your donors, saves you time, and stretches your money. In the end, it ensures valuable resources like your time and money are optimally allocated to those that need it the most.
Rudy Barell is a Senior Account Executive with Elite Email, the complete email marketing package used by charitable organizations around the world. You can deploy a comprehensive email marketing solution for your charitable organization with a no risk free trial. Start harnessing the power of email marketing today!