Eliminate Disease Related Toxins With The New 2007 Model Detox Box – Rife Machine

The Secret revealed: The Detox Box now incorporates “hands free” technology. By using precise frequencies it supports the body’s natural ability to process harmful microbes without negative side effects. This cutting edge technology rife machine is the future of how people choose to stay healthy and energized.

Vista, CA (PRWEB) May 3, 2007 — Toxins exist everywhere and can lead to serious health problems. They are found in the foods consumed and the environment. Our work place may add to toxin build up from toxins floating in the air system up to extremes, such as actually working with petroleum products and chemicals. With toxins hitting us everyday, it’s a must to fight back and eliminate them with a combination of diet, exercise, and by releasing toxins on a continual basis with The Detox Box. With the enhanced “hands free” option, now anytime can be the right time to detoxify.

Using frequencies to support the removal of toxins that reside in the tissues of our bodies has traditionally been held to be harmless and free of side effects. A doctor’s best prescription is prevention, and the best place to start is by eliminating toxins.

Dr. Raymond Royal Rife theorized that specific frequencies could deactivate harmful microbes in the body without any negative side effects. In the 1930’s, he discovered that each microorganism has its own frequency and can be neutralized by intensifying its specific frequency. Raymond Royal Rife invented a frequency machine, now known as a Rife Machine, aka Royal Rife Machine, the forerunner of today’s “Detox Box” instrument.


The Detox Box is programmed with 250 specific frequencies, based on the traditional uses of Dr. Rife’s protocols, designed to support the release of only the bad bacteria trapped in the body. Using radio sine waves that vibrate through the body, The Detox Box supports deactivation of bacteria and pathogens, similarly to a wine glass breaking from sound waves. Once shattered, these toxins need to be flushed out of the body by drinking plenty of purified water. It’s the same as professional masseuse breaking down the toxins accumulated in sore muscles. After the massage, drinking water is essential. The body needs to rid itself of the released toxins. With the Detox Box, it only takes a few minutes a day to get similar results as a daily deep tissue massage.

By holding onto either stainless steel cylinders or applying convenient electrode pads directly on the skin and selecting specific frequencies, it is theorized that one can support the disabling of harmful microbes in the own body. Choose from a list of over 450 auto-codes ranging from acne, detoxification, headaches, stiff muscles, liver, kidney and parasite cleanses and more…

” Within minutes of using the Detox Box on the headache setting the tension and pain had completely disappeared. Everyone needs to learn about this global wellness technology…”*
Rhonda Smith, VA

With the convenience of owning a Detox Box, it is possible to repeat Dr. Rife’s experimental efforts to stay healthy and energized by detoxifying just a few times a week.

By beginning to detoxify the body, the benefits are endless! Feeling much better and having more energy are just the start. The body’s immunity system can be strengthened, enabling one to better fight off disease and infection. A healthy immune system can also play a large part in losing and or maintaining healthy weight.

The Detox box is not intended to “treat” any disease, but rather, it offers a potentially beneficial therapy that complements natural healing. While traditionally used to support normal structure and function, Rife machines are not intended to treat diseases, have not undergone FDA testing and are neither approved as medical devices nor offered as such.

*Testimonial results not typical; your results may vary.

About the Detox Box:

The Detox Box utilizes the latest rife technology and delivers all known rife frequencies. Its built in digital computer assures accurate frequency delivery. It is the best designed, most versatile frequency machine at an affordable price, for personal use. The Detox Box has an 8 year success record and tens of thousands of satisfied users. Designed for daily use, this rife frequency generator is remarkably durable. Its simple step by step manual ensures ease of use. Its portable design makes for easy use at home or at the office and a professional carrying case makes traveling with The Detox Box a breeze.

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Contact Information:
Randy Frager
The Detox Box
