Effects Crystal Meth: Information On Crystal Meth

Article by Steve Hill

Crystal meth use is of growing concern nationwide as the latest statistics shows that more young people across the nation have becoming dependant on this drug. Crystal meth, once dominated the streets in the western states in the early 60’s, has once again began to make its mark across the United States. It was isolated in Midwest but due to the fact that it is easy to manufacture, using readily accessible over the counter ingredients and its cheap value the market for meth is now nationwide. It has, within a short period of time, became the most common drug of abused, second to cocaine. There are many sources of information on crystal meth available online, in school libraries, social clubs, on the negative affects crystal meth has on the human mind and body. Like unsafe sex and other explicit behavior that should be avoided, crystal meth use has still been domineering. Research has linked the increase incidents of HIV cases to use of crystal meth; many who has been tested positive for HIV has admitted to the use of this drug. The sharing of needles and the exploited sexual behavior that has been associated with crystal meth use may be the contributing factor to these evidences. Crystal meth is the toxic and more addictive form of methamphetamine. While they may have similar effects, crystal meth has more long lasting effects and far more toxic to the body than pure methamphetamines. Meth is used clinically for attention deficit disorder and obesity. Young girls are drawn more to meth because of its appetite suppression effects. The misuse of the drug and overdosing exposes them to that euphoric feeling that associates with meth use, and after a while they become “hooked”. Yes, meth may help you lose weight and to keep you alert but due to its negative effects, it pays not to use the drug. While some may argue that the information on crystal meth available to young people may be the contributing reason for the surge in meth use, others argue that it is important that young people know all the facts about meth, both positive and negative. There is adequate amount of information on crystal meth available in all media forms; however this information alone is not enough to curb this growing addiction to crystal meth.

Steve Hill is a webmaster from Birmingham, he has interests in a number of websites including:stutteringInformation on crystal meth stuttering treatment

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