Drug trade rampant; more complex smuggling on rise
Drug trade rampant; more complex smuggling on rise
The ONCB said the overall picture of the drug situation from October 1 last year to June 30 was worrisome as the trade and spread of narcotics has intensified, with methamphetamine and crystal methamphetamine among the top drugs on the market. Thailand … Read more on Pattaya Mail
Crystal Meth macht schnell süchtig
Kristall, Ruppe, Ice oder auch einfach nur C – all diese Begriffe stehen für die illegale Droge Crystal Meth. Die Substanz mindert Gefühle wie Angst, Hunger und Schmerz. Sie kann euphorisch machen und steigert die subjektive Leistungsbereitschaft. Read more on sz-online
Spaccio shaboo Milano via Scanini, arrestato filippino grazie alla denuncia di …
“Ice”, “Crystal meth”, “Shaboo”, “Shabu”: sono i nomi comunemente usati alle varie latitudini del globo per riferirsi alla forma più pura di metanfetamina, un simpaticomimetico usato talvolta come psicostimolante e purtroppo, molto più spesso, come … Read more on CronacaMilano