drug test question?
Question by crookednigg: drug test question?
if i smoked 4 days ago and just one hit and before that was a week before and like 2 bowls and i excercise alot everyday…im 16 and weigh 150 lbs…how long will it take to test negative?
Best answer:
Answer by Hella
Well Around a 2-7 days if you justy used it but for prolonged users 1-3 months but Heres some tips on how to get rid of the stuff inside of you so you would’nt test positive.
No poppy seed kiffle for youAbstain. If you’re reading this, you’ve probably succumbed to tempation, but you should also abstain from anything that might introduce the drug into your system without you actually using it, such as second-hand smoke or eating poppy seeds (which can cause a test to turn up as positive for opium).[1]
Create a paperwork alibi. When you sign a consent form, you are asked to disclose all medications taken recently so that if they are detected in the test, the reviewer will attribute it to the medication rather than a drug. You can disclose a medication or food that is know to cross-react with the drug in your system, but it’s a good idea to have a legitimate prescription ready to prove your disclosure (e.g. codeine cough syrup).[2]
Flush your system. Sometimes this is mistakenly referred to as “detox”. The idea is to pass liquid through your body to wash out traces of the drug in question. Many people assume that drinking excessive amounts of water will accomplish this, but not only is it dangerous (people have died from water intoxication[3]) but it is also risky because colorless urine arouses suspicion, possibly triggering more complicated tests (creatine and specific gravity) which will detect flushing. Consuming a Vitamin B supplement and diuretics will darken your urine and accelerate flushing, respectively.[4]
Mask the sample. Use a legal substance to “cover up” the drug. Many nitrate products are commonly tested for, so they will not work. Antacids may mask amphetamines, cocaine, and PCP, while aspirin and ibuprofen may hide cannaboids and opiates.[5]
Tinted toilet waterDilute the sample itself. If the conditions under which a urine sample is taken are not stringent, one can add water directly to the same to reduce the concentration of drug metabolites being tested for. Be sure to use appropriately warm water, as the temperature of the sample is recorded. Some facilities, however, may put you in a room with no sink, and where the toilet water is tinted.
Swap the sample. Substitution is a method that involves substituting your urine with that of another person or a synthetic sample.
Obtain urine from a trusted source. Test it with a cheap panel strip from a drug store if you’re unsure. Collect urine fresh and keep in sealed refrigerated container and use within the 48 hours as urine will darken and bacteria will grow, and when deterioration becomes noticeable the lab may suspect something.
Synthetic urine is basically all the same . It is used to calibrate lab equipment and can be obtained in small bottles in liquid form or with a more accurate delivery device. A powdered concentrate form comes in vials so it can be dropped in warm water, creating instant urine.
You can use a 2oz small children’s aspirin bottle with aluminum foil rubber banded around opening and pop it open with sharp fingernail. If you’re not permitted to bring anything with you into the bathroom, put the substitute in a “bladder bag” strapped to your body (which will keep it warm) and may help to avoid detection if you’re patted down.[6]
Nullify the sample. By adding substance that adulterates the test, you can buy more time. Table salt and soap are the most reliable; you can sneak salt into the sampling room underneath your fingernails (unless you are required to wash your hands, in which case you should have a little extra in your pockets).[7]
Drug Screen Detection Periods
Substance Urine Hair Blood
Alcohol 3–5 days via ethyl gluconoride (EtG) metabolite or 10–12 hours via traditional method lifetime of hair 12 hours
Amphetamines (except meth) 1 to 2 days up to 90 days 12 hours
Methamphetamine 2 to 4 days up to 90 days 24 hours
Barbiturates (except phenobarbital) 2 to 3 days up to 90 days 1 to 2 days
Phenobarbital 7 to 14 days up to 90 days 4 to 7 days
Benzodiazepines Therapeutic use: 3 days. Chronic use (over one year): 4 to 6 weeks up to 90 days 6 to 48 hours
Cannabis Light use: 2-7 days
Prolonged use: 1-3 months
up to 90 days 12 days
Cocaine 3 to 5 days with exceptions for certain kidney disorders up to 90 days 24 hours
Codeine 1 day up to 30 days 12 hours
Cotinine (a break-down product of nicotine) 2 to 4 days up to 90 days 2 to 4 days
Morphine 2 days up to 90 days 6 hours
Heroin 2 days up to 90 days 6 hours
LSD 2 to 24 hours up to 3 days 0 to 3 hours
Methadone 3 days up to 30 days 24 hours
PCP 14 days; up to 30 days in chronic users up to 90 days 24 hours
From http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Drug_test
Table licensed with GNU Free Documentation License
Date accessed: 06/11/2008
[edit] TipsIf you fail your drug test, pitch a fit. Inform them that this is “simply not possible”. Do not volunteer any other information. As far as you are concerned, failing the drug test was never even a remote consideration in your mind. Demand a retest and get a substitution kit. Your best reaction in this situation is puzzlement, not anger.
For a simple saliva test, make sure you have flossed, brushed and gargled some low alcohol rinse before the test. Stay clean from marijuana at least 72 hrs before the test. (source?)
Know your rights. In the U.S., only a court ordered test or one who is on probation or parole can be observed (basically those who have no rights). (source?)
[edit] WarningsMasking hair is not realistic as the sample is washed to remove left in products or external contamination such as second hand smoke. When drug metabolites are in the blood, they’ll end up in the blood vessels, including those in the head, and get filtered through the hair, remaining in the hair as a permanent record of drug use for months. A hair drug test involves cutting 50-80 strands of hair from the base typically at the crown of the head. Minimum length of 1 inch is necessary, or body hair such as face, chest or underarm hair can be used. Hair drug testing can go back months, showing the toxins a person may have used in a time-line fashion.
Best of lucjk and hope this helps RegardsLHElla
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