Drug rehab and mental health question?

I have admitted that I have a serious addction to drugs. And I would say its not specific. Its like when im on drugs I think about quiting, but when im sober im thinking about getting drugs. I just dont want to be a part of reality, and I feel normal when im on drugs, if its alcohol, weed, pills, or cough syrup, I will do whatever. I almost cant even put into words what its like in my mind everyday or what I deal with, like one minute I can create all these goals and start plans and projects and be out going, and almost feel like I have a direct connection with god, and then its the complete opposite, just blackness and I hate people or like both at the same time, its extreamly scary. I want to quit drugs to feel happy, and to see things clear, but because my manic deppresion is so bad as well its like I will never be. Most of the time I feel extreamly deppresed, but at the same time I have a interest in everything in the world. My moods change so much now, that I can notice it and its like im locked inside my mind and I cant get out. I feel like im losing my mind, and everyday I question why I shouldent just blow my brains out. I need to be somewhere for drugs and because of my mental state. I was wondering if there is a place for this the can focus on my problems with drugs and my bipolar. And the cost. And if anyone has suggestions or can just relate to me, any thing at this point could help. Thank you.

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