Drank about 10 beers Saturday and got drug tested monday morning!? Will I be able to pass?

Question by Jimmy: Drank about 10 beers Saturday and got drug tested monday morning!? Will I be able to pass?
Weigh about 175 pounds and am a Male. Peed about 3 times Sunday and have a decently fast metabolism. Will I Pass? and when will i find out if I do Fail?

Best answer:

Answer by Cris
You’ll pass don’t worry.

Answer by Loving_me1st
It all depends on how fast your metabolism works, as well as your weight. Typically, if your blood alcohol content is .10, it will take about ten hours for the alcohol to leave your sytem.You can find more information here: http://howto.dcrdetox.com/how-long-does-…

Meth test 1 – Test.