Dr. Drew: MJ took enough sleep meds to knock 2 people out for 36 hours

Withdrawal Treatment in the News

Withdrawal Treatment: Dr. Drew: MJ took enough sleep meds to knock 2 people out for 36 hours
And as I watched the evening unfold, it's clear to me he was in drug withdrawal. And there is some documentation that Dr. Murray was trying to get him off drugs. That's probably what was going on. That's why he started spinning so, so high.
Read more on CNN (blog)

Withdrawal Treatment: Bevan Brittan LLP | The withdrawal of life sustaining treatment
This case was the first in which a court was asked to consider whether it was in the best interests of a patient in a 'minimally conscious state' to withdraw life sustaining treatment. Mr Justice Baker's judgment is the most important ruling in the
Read more on Linex Legal (press release) (registration)

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