Does jesus really love the little children?

Question by jomomma: Does jesus really love the little children?
Seems hard to believe from where I am sittin…

St. Bernard, Ohio – Brooke Watts, a 27-year-old Ohio woman was arrested Tuesday after authorities found three children living in an insect infested apartment used for making meth.

According to St. Bernard police, officers were called to Watt’s apartment after receiving a complaint from the Hamilton County Department of Job and Family who stated three children were living in deplorable conditions. The JFS told police Watts had been previously warned about the unlivable condition of her residence.

Investigators say they arrived to find three children (ages 1,4 and 7) living in a residence that had “no clean surface.”

The rooms were piled with dirty clothes while a mountain of dirty dishes filled the sink. Officers found spoiled food in the refrigerator that was crawling with hundreds of insects. Police believe one of the children had recently eaten a doughnut from a box that was also crawling with insects.

The children themselves were found with covered in bug bites and lice.

The children’s grandmother, who lives in an apartment upstairs, told officers that her daughter was a “drug addict” who is unable to care for the children. Officers found pills scattered around the apartment along with several ingredients used for manufacturing meth.

Watts was booked into jail on three counts of child endangerment. Bail in her case was set at $ 3,000.

Watts was has several prior offenses of theft, including an instance where she attempted to shoplift on one occasion while one of her children were with her. She was ordered to probation and parenting classes.
Yes, if there is a god, and he allows this to go one…then he/she/it is culpable…

Best answer:

Answer by discord71
Gee, don’t hold their mother responsible..Must be God’s fault…

Nonsense reasoning on your part..

If God were to control the behaviors of everyone on this planet you’d accuse Him of being a tyrant..But He doesn’t and here you are blaming Him for the decisions a person makes. You can’t have it both ways…It is not God’s will that children will suffer, if that mother did God’s will those kids wouldn’t be going through all this…

She chose to do her own will and her children are now suffering the consequences for it. Not God’s fault, hers.

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