Does anyone know anything about Remicade infusion for people with Chron’s disease?

Question by raven1971: Does anyone know anything about Remicade infusion for people with Chron’s disease?
I have chrons disease and want to get some information about Remaicade infusion from other than the company that produces the drug. If you are on a Remicade infusion or have any knowledge of the procedure,drug, side effects, costs or any other valuable info please tell me all you can I am scheduled for this treatment and want some background info and a second non-biased opinion from someone that may have actually had the treatment please help if you can thank you

Best answer:

Answer by sweetriverbrennan
Crohn’s disease is an inflammatory bowel disease, probably involving an immune reaction of the body to its own intestinal tract. It can involve any segment of the gastrointestinal tract from the mouth to the “rear-end”. Remicade is an anti–TNF-alpha monoclonal antibody. In essence, it is an immune modulator, decreasing the amount of intestinal attacking antibodies.
Usually immune modifiers are only used when remission by other treatment is difficult. Prodedure is pretty simple: you will just go in, have an IV started and the medication is slowly infused over a period of >2 hrs. I also know you need more then 1 (3-4) treatments as well. Some adverse reactions include hypersensitivity and flulike symptoms; the latter can often be avoided by pretreatment with Tylenol and Benadryl. Good news: For Crohn disease, the response rate is 80% and remission rate is 50% after a single dose; with multiple dosing, higher rates can be attained. Bad News: I dont have an excate pricing, but its pretty steep… insurance/medicaid a must

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