Does Alcohol use affect the human Limbic system?

Question by abnjim5: Does Alcohol use affect the human Limbic system?
Alcohol has long been responsible for adverse affects in humans; with some healthy influences as well. If one was to observe a person that is drinking alcohol and becoming intoxicated, would one of the first noticable changes involve a distortion of emotions like love and anger? If the limbic system of the brain is affected by alcohol for a long period of time, can human emotions be permanently changed? Can a once healthy set of emotions be recovered after years of alcohol and other substance abuse? How would a person start such a recovery process?

Best answer:

Answer by Elwood
Drying out is the first part of the process. Some things may heal over time but other things that do not change may take learning new coping skills. For instance cocaine use can cause permanent brain chemistry changes making a person become permanently more agressive and/or violent. Prolonged use of alcohol can damage brain and body/organ tissue. Other drugs really mess up or add to damage. Alcohol and drug combos usually multiply damage and can bring on early cancers etc. Get dry, stay dry , go to rehab, counseling, AA, NA and keep doing it . Some of the lost stuff will return. And feel lucky with that.

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