do you think this drug that is becoming more popular should be made illegal?

Question by ukuleleninja e: do you think this drug that is becoming more popular should be made illegal?
methyltheobromine or MTB is a bitter white crystalline xanthine alkaloid that acts as a psychoactive stimulant drug and a diuretic in humans. This naturally occurring compound belongs to the same family as crystal meth a schedule 1 drug.

the initial effects or “high” of MTB is a feeling of increased energy and ambition, the user feels less tired and more alert and joyful. MTB tolerence builds up quickly however leading up to increased doses being required to achieve the high.

MTB is chemically addictive and produces short term withdrawal symptoms. the lethal dose of MTB is only 10 grams. other schedule 1 drugs such as “marihuana” the dose is 80 pounds

MTB may also be a “gateway” drug. although not all MTB users use hard drugs almost all hard drug users have used MTB.

MTB should be considered as a schedule 1 drug as it has no accepted medical use and is often abused.
I am writing my congressman to raise more awareness on this issue. please watch your kids MTB is common

Best answer:

Answer by Anne-Marie
If it gets illegal, it will be more popular!!!

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