Do you think rehab is a waste of Tax Money?

Question by Aaron Tate: Do you think rehab is a waste of Tax Money?
Statistics say that only 40% of the people that go to it learn something and stay clean (alcohol and drugs), compared to the 60% who lie about it.

Why should I pay to help someone elses addiction? For that matter why not let them just die from posioning themselves. Drunk drivers of course end up killing others and they most of the time live, why not just make a drunk highway, let em wreck into themselves.
I see a stone does not always grow moss.

I’m not suggesting an easy way out, and I’m not being selffish either, but who’s fault is it if you smoke, who’s fault if you drink, how bout if you do meth?

My point is, this, I have no problem with druggies, but they should be the one to pay for their actions. This is a different concept than prison. Prison I’m paying to keep murders from murdering me, Rehab, I paying for someone to learn not to do something. In a simple terms, why should someone elses change be drought on me?

Do I make someone else pay for my toothpaste?
lay lay I gonna smack you with the back of my hand. thats a whole different chapter of rehab, lmao, drugs and beer are different than interal social issues.

Best answer:

Answer by Officer.
stop being selfish. people need help. you have to pay your taxes to better your society. otherwise itll just get worse and worse.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!