Do you believe the government is using “terrorism” North Korea, Iran and etc to smoke screen their motives?
Question by Nuts for Liberty: Do you believe the government is using “terrorism” North Korea, Iran and etc to smoke screen their motives?
Folks, really. Is Iran and North Korea a bigger threat to our safety and Liberties or is it our own government?
Since 9/11 the it seems as if the government is deliberately using terrorism to abuse their power and assault our rights. Iraq was a perfect example, if we didn’t take immediate swift action they were going to nuke us – remember? Despite the fact over 60% of America disapproved of the invasion the government did it anyway.
The Patriot Act, which was also passed in fear of terrorism and this single bill went through congress with virtually no debate in less than 2 days and increased the governments power significantly. It is the most destructive bill to have ever past buy increasing power were power wasn’t due, and attacking our constitutional rights.
There are even people who believe that we need to adopt WW2 policies on how they treated Japanese Americans and sent to internment camps and send Muslim Americans to the same thing.
Do you know who Michelle Malkin is? Perhaps one of the more nutty “conservative commentators” in her defense of internment book she basically says we need to adopt that same policy to suppress harboring terrorism.
And on top of everything else the government is destroying our dollar. Policing the world isn’t making us any friends and it is isolating us more and its costing us the MOST money. Putting sanctions on all these countries isn’t doing US any favors, it’s only shooting ourselves in the foot.
When will the sheep of America finally wake up and realize that both of the major political parties are incompetent, no longer useful and are a threat to liberty. When the dollar crumbles and becomes worthless, will be the same day we lose our sovereignty completely and the world will embrace a global currency.
Best answer:
Answer by A. Kari
I realize both parties suck. But what to do about it, that is the question…
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