Do people that use/do meth, get pimple looking spots on their face?

Question by Prince Jay: Do people that use/do meth, get pimple looking spots on their face?

Best answer:

Answer by mama outlaw
They get sores from picking at their skin. I think it’s because huge doses of amphetamine make the skin feel crawly, so users scratch and pick until they irritate and damage their skin, then they have sores to pick at.

There are compilations online of police booking photos of meth users that show how quickly this drug can destroy a person physically.

You can’t assume someone is using methamphetamine because they have pimples though. 😉

Answer by Harley Drive
yes the skin and layers below the skin start to deteriorate and the result is lesions, boils etc and after a while they can turn septic and cause blood poisoning due to the dead layer not allowing the body to fight the infection

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