Crystal Meth Addiction: The Dangers of Methamphetamine Addiction – Be on the Know!

Methampethamine- does this word seem familiar to you? If not, then perhaps the terms “meth”, “ice,”, “crystal”, or “glass” would ring a bell. Yes, methamphetamine is THAT illegal drug- potent and dangerous when abused. “Meth” is a strongly addictive substance, and a psycho stimulant drug. It comes as no surprise that so many individuals of all ages are enmeshed in methamphetamine addiction. But on the other hand, “meth” is also available through prescription, and refilled. As a prescribed drug, “meth” is used to treat attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Sometimes, it is also used as an anti-obesity agent. “Ice” is a drug which has high potential for abuse.

Meth is a crystal form of hydrochloride and it stimulates the nervous system when taken. What causes methamphetamine addiction? Primarily, crystal dependency starts with misuse. There are people who take meth illegally to lose weight and maintain it.

Others abuse crystal, or glass for recreation. While methamphetamine is availed of through prescription, it can also be prepared in a (small) laboratory. Users may ingest the drug through smoking, or a syringe. Methamphetamine dependency takes place through misuse, and regular use from hence. The meth user requires more and more dosage of the substance. It is then anticipated that the “glass” user develops a constant craving for it.

And so there goes-methamphetamine addiction. In meth addiction, the drug inhaled or smoked deposits in the brain. Cellular processes in the brain are then affected. A crystal addict is more likely to suffer from mental depression and other mental disturbances. What are the effects of methamphetamine addiction? Methamphetamine addiction effects are short-term and long-term. Short-term effects of meth abuse are heightened attention and hyperactivity. For some, they experience decreased fatigue, appetite changes. Respiratory functions also increase, and blood pressure rises. As for the long-term or chronic effects of methamphethamine addiction, they are drastic weight loss, altered brain and nervous system functions and damage to major organs such as the heart and the lungs.

Violent behavior can also be consequences of constant meth use. Mood disturbance and anxiety are long-term meth addiction effects as well. Misuse of methamphetamine may cause transmission of HIV and hepatitis B and C. Withdrawal from methamphetamine addiction causes symptoms such as depression, anxiety, weight loss and intense craving for the drug. Mood changes are also experienced because neurotransmitter activity in the brain is altered by the substance. An addiction is akin to a vicious spiral which only takes it’s victim down, and further. It can be so much of a trying struggle to emerge from it. So it goes for methamphetamine addiction, which can only be as vicious as it is having to get involved with a highly addictive, potent and dangerous substance.

The author of this article Rose Windale is a Health and Wellness Coach who has been successful with several natural health programs for many years. Rose decided to share her knowledge and tips through her website You can sign up for her free newsletter and enjoy a healthy and happy life.

Overcoming Crystal Meth Addiction: An Essential Guide to Getting Clean

In Overcoming Crystal Methamphetamine Addiction, one of the few books to address the topic for a general audience, Dr. Steven Lee, MD, a psychiatrist who specializes in crystal meth addiction, offers a complete guide to the drug, its effects, and how to overcome it. Based on extensive scientific and social research and drawing from his professional experience, he covers everything from the definition and history of crystal meth to the physical and psychological effects; from dealing with the add

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