Covert War on Rock by Alex Constantine Summary
smear tactic.
In 1961 Joan Baez met Bob Dylan. Whose songs had such stark political flavor. Bob nearly died in 1966 after a motorcycle accident. Joan’s brother-in-law Richard Farina did die a few months later in a motorcycle accident. It was suspicious and happened on his wife Mimi Farina birthday. He was on his way back from a promotional party for his book “Been Down So Long It Looks Like Up”. Before his death he had been producing an album to be performed by Joan, but it got shelved.
Mimi Farina, sister of Joan, is an equally talented and politically active woman who sings in prisons and goes out hands on to the poor, last I heard, and I believe Joan’s heart is also with the poor folk (My Note)
After Dylan’s accident he went thru a political change . He dropped the broadside lyrics grating on the nerves of the establishment. Mark Edmundson wrote: He wasn’t ruined by drugs. His work combines art and politics and the harshest truth about the world. He is a visionary skeptic ,he loves the promise of America and yet is disgusted by much of its reality.
His songs tell about the cane murder of black servant Hattie Carroll, the death of boxer Davie Moore, the unbroken chains of injustice. They go to the heart of the decades most recurring preoccupation ,that in a time of irreversible technical progress , moral civilization has pathetically faltered, that no matter how much international attention is focused on the macro-cosmic affairs, the plight of the individual must be considered.
Five years after the accident he wrote “George Jackson”, a fiercely driven ballad about the Black Panther leader ” “George Jackson” who was consiciously murdered by a prison guard.
“U.S. agents were able to destroy any persons reputation by inducing hysteria or excessive emotional responses, temporary or permanent insanity, suggest or encourage suicide , erase memory , invent double or triple personalities, inside ones mind.”
—quote by the late Mae Brussells Operation Chaos investigator etc.
Ochs was a close chum of Bob Dylan , and thought Bob was the greatest poet ever. Ochs ,Bob, and Farina set out on the Folk minstrels path in the village in the early 1960’s. Together with others they dragged folk music away from the migration camps and union halls into direct confrontation with the Eisenhower’s looming military-industrial complex. Ochs denounced the American politics in the “Cops of the world”. song
” and when we’ve butchered your sons boys, have a stick of gum boys, we own half the world….”OH CAN YOU SEE”? AND THE NAME OF OUR PROFITS IS DEMOCRACY.
He was the ultimate dissident song quote” the comic and the beauty queen are dancing on the stage .The raw recruits are lining up like coffins in a cage.” “Oh we are fighting in a war we lost before the war began”
Not long before he died, one night after too many drinks, he drew down the CIA Director Wm. Colby, director of the murderous Phoenix Project in Vietnam. He claimed he put a contract out on his life for 100,000 dollars. “I told Colby he’s got a half of year to live or get out of Vietnam or he is dead. They can kill me but he is dead” he said.( He as well was certain that Gloria Steinem, editor of Ms. magazine and famous feminist is a CIA agent) Ochs was founder of the Yippee party, sang with protesters, and appeared as a witness for the trail of the Chicago Seven. His lyrics were considered so inflammatory that he was banned from the air-waves. The FBI did not refrain form amassing a huge file on him, and the feeling that he was never alone unnerved him. He wrote ” take everything I own, take the tap from my phone, and leave my life alone, My life alone! He was tarred as a communist and a threat to national security. His friends said Ochs was convinced he would be assassinated. He was driven to drink by the radio black-listing his music and the ongoing surveillance and harassments and his nerve gave out. He lived in a perpetual state of paranoia His vocal cords were crushed by thugs.
He developed a right wing pseudo personality called John Train who he wrote about
( Beth’s note: Who created John Train? Was he like his good friend Joan Baez, a mind-controlled MPD(DID), from abuse and experimentation? On the first day of summer ,1975,” Phil Ochs “was murdered in the Chelsea Hotel by John Train, Ochs said in a taped interview. “for the good of societies public and “secret,” he needed to be gotten rid of.” He also made reference to his Pseudo personality in song fragments in an album never recorded re: “Phil Ochs checked into the Chelse a Hotel, there was blood on his clothes, Train Train Train, the outlaw and his brain. (my note: I have read accounts of cloning since the 50’s. Lots of hi-tech