Could someone answer this and not evade the question?

Question by clueless: Could someone answer this and not evade the question?
What one hypothetical fact would it take for you to believe that the war on drugs is hurting the United States rather than helping it?

Additional Details

1 second ago
The war on drugs costs over $ 60 billion dollars a year
It causes 13.3 times the estimated amount of deaths that would have occured if it were legal through minor regulations
It hurts our economy and environment by not allowing the growth of industrial hemp
It has caused our prison system to contain more than 2.5 percent of Americans
It has infringed on rights protected by the bill of rights
it has caused the rate of addiction to double in comparison to the netherlands
it has limited the quality of service of medical care
the main beneficiaries of the war on drugs are Marijuana dealers because profits have risen because Marijuana prices have increased %300 percent since 1980.
Heroine in the same span of time has become over 600 times cheaper.

Best answer:

Answer by NONAME
Theres a war on drugs? You had me fooled.

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