Could Oregon meth law work here?


Could Oregon meth law work here?
Filed under: signs of using meth

The solution to Oklahoma's meth problem will take center stage in 2012. Now, one question remains. Will the state find its own answer? Or will it follow Oregon's lead? Here are some of the tell-tale signs of a meth house.



Heavy Meth Use Linked To Schizophrenia
Filed under: signs of using meth

Using hospital records obtained from 1990 through 2000 at a California hospital researchers compared results from drug users to a control group of non-drug users to determine the direct effects meth use has on the mental condition. …



Colorado Meth Project Goes Online, And A Meth Ring Leaders Is Sentenced
Filed under: signs of using meth

Now the "Ask" website is there to fill the void for teens and others to get facts about meth. It answers questions regarding meth symptoms shown in the gruesome award-winning ads on TV and billboards. Instead of just providing the text to questions …


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